Ankorstore /  Épicerie & Boissons  /  Domaine du Vieux Moulin

Domaine du Vieux Moulin

Expédie des commandes sous 3 à 5 jours

Minimum de commande €100

Franco multi-marques dès €300.00

  • Fondée en 2008
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The Domaine du Vieux Moulin belongs to the Bordeaux terroir. Our vineyards are located in the small city of Petit-Palais-et-Cornemps.
Our family vineyard, SCEA BADIE-MEYNARD, extends over a confidential surface of 4 hectares. Our two main grape varieties Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, combined with the Carménère and Malbec grape varieties, respectively, bring energy and a surplus of colors and tannins.
Our wine is vinified and bottled on site.