Ankorstore /  Épicerie & Boissons  /  Brasserie La Musteline

Brasserie La Musteline

⚡️ Expédie en moins de 48h

Minimum de commande €100

Franco multi-marques dès €300.00

  • Fondée en 2018
  • Distribution Center Parcs Lac d'Ailette
Instagram 889 abonnés
Renaud, the flavor of know-how, ... and Laure, sparkling with ideas and organization, form a unique cooler, brewed and brewing in Jumigny their tasty craft beers La Musteline.

Uncovering one of our craft beers is not only drinking a quality beer, with carefully selected ingredients and brewed with passion, no, drinking the Musteline is drinking our values, tasting our vision and tasting the pleasure that we provide.

Make a statement with a beer of character, follow in the footsteps of our independent badger, sure of it, assertive, but always with elegance and naturalness.