Ankorstore /  Catleya


Expédie des commandes sous 11 à 20 jours

Minimum de commande €100

Franco multi-marques dès €300.00

  • Fondée en 2007
Instagram catleyawines
The vineyard of Catleya is located in Corcova, a small village located in the Oltenia region of Romania.

Corcova has a rich history. It was during the Belle Époque period in Paris that Prince Antoine Bibesco, Marcel Proust and their friends were tasting the Corcova wines, while evoking the pear flowers of this mythical place.

It was Bibesco, a Romanian prince, francophile and man of many talents, who decided to expand his vineyard over the finest areas of Corcova. Helped by the French agronomist Sauget, they helped these wines gain their high quality and reputation.

Always an admirer and friend of Bibesco, Marcel Proust wanted to visit Corcova, but his illness prevented him from undertaking the journey.

However the aura of Corcova is present in his writings and Bibesco was the inspiration of one of the main characters in the novel In search of the lost time.
In Marcel Proust's renowned masterpiece, the Catleya orchid is a symbol of love.

Since 2007, three French wine enthusiasts fell in love with Corcova and its Proustian aura and chose this symbol to represent the vineyard replanted on the historic site of Bibesco’s domain, and Catleya was born.

As it evokes both the beauty and the sensory pleasure of rediscovered time, like the fragrance from a rare orchid, Catleya captures the Proustian essence that will trigger your memories and experiences you feel while enjoying our wines.

We believe that the best recipe for a successful wine is well-grounded values. That is why our wines are the result of a long process during which we make no compromises.

We believe in attention to detail. The founder and oenologist of the Catleya estate, Laurent Pfeffer, is personally involved in each stage of winemaking and applies this philosophy, acquired in France, to everything he does in Romania.

We believe in authenticity, so we produce in small quantities, with full control over quality and with an understanding of the personality of each varietal we grow.
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