Expédie des commandes sous 3 à 5 jours

Minimum de commande 100 €

Franco multi-marques dès 300,00 €

  • Fondée en 1873
  • Distribution Schmid Traiteur, La Cigogne d'Alsace, Saveurs d'Alsace
Instagram 2000 abonnés
Due to high traffic, our store is temporarily unavailable. Our shop will reopen from June 07th. Thank you for your understanding

Alélor manufactures mustards, horseradish, mayonnaise and condiments in Alsace. Alélor collaborates with the Chamber of Agriculture in the development of a local agricultural sector in our territory to source raw materials from partner farmers (100% Alsatian horseradish roots, French mustard seeds, relaunch of the French organic pickle) . The supply circuit is short and the craftsmanship is guaranteed: manufacture of mustard with a stone grinder; the horseradish roots are sorted and cut by hand, the mayonnaise inspired by recipes made in-house with eggs from free-range hens, the pickles are hand-picked and prepared according to a traditional sweet and sour recipe.

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