Expédie des commandes sous 6 à 10 jours
Minimum de commande
100 €
Franco multi-marques dès 300,00 €
Fondée en
Färm, Green Peas, GraspHopper, Pall Center, Run Attitude, Roots, Made in BW
L’atelier de production est fermé jusqu’au 12 août. Les commandes seront honorées à la reprise, merci pour votre confiance et un bel été à toutes et tous
Creation and artisanal manufacture of nutritious foods for athletes and active people.
We are specialized in nutrition and innovation: we select the best that nature provides, without forgetting gluttony. Our products are clean label and are suitable for a paleo and vegan diet.
Our products contain up to 12 ingredients, including Belgian chocolate, which we rigorously select from a local bean-to-bar artisan.
We work to order, in order to preserve the nutrients as long as possible.
Our packaging is compostable in the garden and we offer a bulk range to meet zero waste.
Our raw bars and cakes are the equivalent of a handful of dried fruit and good chocolate.