Prix en Hausse sur Ankorstore cause hausse commissions Ankorstore. Distillé en Normandie, élaboré avec une eau issue de plateau de Langres et vieille majoritairement dans des fûts de la forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, notre Pur Malt Bio, incarne la Seine. Sa fraîcheur rappelle l'air marin des côtes normandes et l'air frais du Plateau de Langres, et ses épices invitent à l'évasion le long de ses 776 Kilomètres. Distilled in Normandy, made with water from the Plateau de Langres and aged mainly in barrels from the forest of St-Germain-en-Laye, our Organic Pure Malt embodies the Seine. Its freshness recalls the sea air of the Normandy coast and the fresh air of the Plateau de Langres, its roundness evokes the loops of the Seine and its spices invite you to on a journey along the 776 km of its banks. On the nose : Remarkably intense, the nose evokes every rich undertone of a whisky. Surprising notes of wood and roasting accents. After shaking, aromas of toasted bread and almond crunch. On the palate : The attack is suave, followed by volume and tannic structure. The finish is sweet and fresh, reminiscent of eucalyptus. Whisky