Dimensions 70 cm x 50 cm 27.5" x 10.5" 1,000 pieces About _The Treachery of Images _This is not a pipe…or is it? Such is the question presented by _The Treachery of Images_, a classic example of surrealist art by famous Belgian painter, René Magritte. _The Treachery of Images_ is part of a series of paintings featuring images paired with words. In his signature deadpan illustrative style, Magritte challenges the viewer with the paradox of language and visual representation. He states “_Ceci n’est pas une pipe_ (This is not a pipe)” because it is not a pipe: it is a picture of one. Unabashedly simple, this oil on canvas is a masterpiece of surrealism. ABOUT RENÉ MAGRITTE René Magritte (born November 21, 1898, Lessines, Belgium—died August 15, 1967, Brussels) was a Belgian artist, one of the most prominent Surrealist painters, whose bizarre flights of fancy blended horror, peril, comedy, and mystery. His works were characterized by particular symbols—the female torso, the bourgeois “little man,” the bowler hat, the apple, the castle, the rock, the window, and other ordinary objects, which were often set in unusual or unsettling situations.