This colorful reproduction of Auguste Rodin’s _Thinker_ will have friends and family pondering just what’s on his mind. A beautiful addition to an avid reader’s bookcase. _The Thinker _Auguste Rodin c. 1904 Dimensions 11 cm x 14 cm x 20 cm 4.3" x 5.5" x 7.9" Made of resin About _The Thinker _Few sculptures are as iconic as Auguste Rodin’s _The Thinker_. Lost in thought, seated with eyes cast downwards, muscles taught with exertion, he embodies the mental struggle and anguish of creativity. According to Rodin, "What makes my _Thinker_ think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back, and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes." Conceived in 1880 as part of Rodin’s epic creation, _The_ _Gates of Hell_ (a pair of bronze doors commissioned for a decorative arts museum in Paris), _The Thinker_ has since become an independent work that exists today in many casts and sizes. _The Gates of Hell_ was inspired by Dante's _Inferno_, with the sculpture, modeled after the poet himself, as its crowning element. Initially entitled _The Poet_, the contemplative figure represents all creators. Rodin himself identified with _The Thinker_, and a version of the sculpture keeps vigil over his tomb.