A bold reproduction of Michelangelo’s _David_, this statuette is a beautiful complement to your art book collection. _David _Michelangelo 1501-1504 Dimensions 10 cm x 5 cm x 29 cm 3.9" x 2" x 11.4" Made of resin About _David _At only 26 years of age, Italian artist Michelangelo created _David_, a gleaming white marble masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture. Working in complete secrecy, he completed his 17-foot (5.17 metre) work of genius in two years. Michelangelo’s _David _was originally intended to be positioned atop Florence Cathedral, but, when unveiled in 1504, it was considered far too perfect to be placed that high up. The statue was instead placed in the political heart of Florence, in Piazza della Signoria. Michelangelo strayed from the traditional portrayal by Florentine artists of David after his triumph over Goliath and instead chose to depict him before the battle: tense, relaxed but alert. His barely visible slingshot emphasizes that his victory was due to cleverness and not sheer force. While ultimately a religious sculpture, _David_ became the symbol of civic liberty embodied by the Republic of Florence, an independent city-state surrounded by powerful rival states and dominated by the Medici family.