Ankorstore /  Beauté & Bien-être /  La Chenaie

La Chenaie

⚡️ Expédie en moins de 48h

Minimum de commande 100 €

Franco multi-marques dès 300,00 €

  • Fondée en 2015
La Chênaie, the strength and longevity of oak at the service of the skin
A tree that has reigned over the forest for centuries, advocating ageless beauty, incredible life force and surprising longevity… Oak has been at the heart of the inspirations of the Charlois family for six generations. Originally a stave splitter in the Burgundy region, Sylvain Charlois wondered why oak, an effective antioxidant for wine, could it not also be so for the skin?

It was in 2015 that scientists from the Charlois group developed for the first time a patented oak extract from leaves, bark and soft wood: the Quercus Petraea Concentrate, a powerful anti-ageing agent. A quality skincare line has thus been developed, with antioxidant, regenerating and stimulating properties for the face and body.

Inspired by this new strength of youth, the laboratory filed a new patent in 2018 resulting from studies on oak sap: Pétrasève®, which gave birth to a new range of products with ultra-hydrating action.

Most ? Natural formulations, innovative and responsible packaging, treatments tested under dermatological control and 100% French manufacturing from the Bertranges forest in Burgundy.