Brosse de Soin for Thin to Normal Hair
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I created La Brosse de Soin for you, to beautify the hair, fortify the scalp and to simply make you feel beautiful. La Brosse de Soin is an unique handmade piece made in France. The wood is a raw white ash while latex and silks are natural. Brushing the hair is the first haircare gesture. Every morning, La Brosse de Soin brings volume and shine, in the evening, it eliminates dust and pollen that dull the hair fibre. My ritual: Start with the tips up to the roots to remove the knots and repeat the gesture on the entire hair. Taking care of it, La Brosse de Soin will follow you throughout your life. I tied a red thread on its handle so you can make a wish, a wish of hair. One day, the red silk thread will not be there anymore .