![Work Hard__Large [61cm x 61cm] / Sans cadre](https://img.ankorstore.com/products/images/718444-47e847bd4850db.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fm=pjpg&dpr=2&h=200&w=200&fit=crop&crop=faces&force_format=webp)
Designed to resonate & spark a mix of feelings. Every day. Whether you love art or just looking to decorate your office, this hand-stretched piece will instantly create a new ambience and massively impact your daily productivity. * HIGH-QUALITY FINISH - Looks the same as you see on our website * PROVEN PATTERNS & COLOR - Bring Life, Motivation & Productivity to your Walls * PRINTED BY ARTISAN - Get the same Quality as a Museum (last 75 years) * DESIGNED BY ARTISTS - Forget about Boring & Non-personal pieces * TESTED & APPROVED BY 1000+ CUSTOMERS - Use previous customer’s experience to make the right choice * MORE THAN 700 MODELS - Create an ambiance that will make your life better every day TURN BLANK AND DEPRESSING WALLS INTO SPACES THAT RESONATE WITH YOU & YOUR VALUES