Ankorstore /  Mode & Accessoires /  MOOVYBAG


⚡️ Expédie en moins de 48h

Minimum de commande 100 €

Franco multi-marques dès 300,00 €

  • Fondée en 2016
Instagram moovybag
At Moovybag, style is above all else. We love beautiful clothes, worthy of the greatest designers. The most premium, chic and elegant pieces. And over time, the need to keep your smartphone charged has become essential. Wanting to create something revolutionary, we combined these two worlds to create the ultimate innovation: leather goods with integrated technology. We are also showing our commitment to the environment by equipping the Moovybag with solar batteries. Concerned about the world around us, we are committed with our creators to offer you the best products and the most respectful towards nature. Discover Moovybag, and change the way you discover the world, always in style.