Ankorstore /  Compléments alimentaires /  Love and be Loved /  Gummies Performances Intellectuelles et Cognitives "Hey Einstein!"
Gummies Performances Intellectuelles et Cognitives "Hey Einstein!"
Love and be Loved

Gummies Performances Intellectuelles et Cognitives "Hey Einstein!"

42 Intellectual and Cognitive Performance Gummies "Hey Einstein!" I Promotes concentration, helps to have clear ideas, and optimizes memory and reasoning skills. Helps your body resist stress I Food supplement based on L-Theanine, Citicoline, Rhodiola, Vitamin B5, ... I With Natural Flavors of Lychee and Raspberry I Only 15 calories for 2 Gummies I Cure of 3 Weeks I 100% Clean, Vegan and guaranteed without GMOs, without Gluten, without Sweeteners and without Artificial Flavors or Colors I Made in France.

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