Ankorstore /  Maison & Cuisine /  LAURENCE AUDY CROQUIS


⚡️ Expédie en moins de 48h

Minimum de commande 100 €

Franco multi-marques dès 300,00 €

  • Fondée en 2021
  • Distribution Sous les Toits, Home, Etoile d'M, Hémisphère Sud, La villa de Sophie, Les trouvailles de St Cast, Carol's, Bientôt...
Instagram 668 abonnés
Sometimes, a desire for childhood resurfaces ... As a teenager, I wanted to do Fine Arts, I went to business school. As an adult, I took drawing lessons from time to time, between my family life and my job as an independent trader (creation and management of the concept-store Sous les Toits for 16 years in Nantes). Then, during a trip to New York, the desire came back like a boomerang, I then took courses at the Beaux-Arts in Nantes for 2 years. I like urban sketches, watercolors which seduce me with their magical, diffuse side; and the black & white which goes to the essential. Here, I present to you my collection of poetic drawings in black & white.