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Affiche A3 - Clara Super Duper - Time to Shine

Affiche A3 - Clara Super Duper - Time to Shine

By illustrator Clara Super Duper (France) Risography printing by KIBLIND Atelier On Munken Print White 150g paper Format A3 - 29,7 x 42 cm Poster delivered packed, with rigid cardboard support ------------------------- When you're from Angoulême like Clara Super Duper, you’re bound to have a connection with the visual arts. But you also need a knack for capturing the essence of life as it comes—whether it’s soothing landscapes or the small troubles of everyday life. And Clara has it: that sharp eye for everything around her. A keen sense of observation that she pairs with a desire to twist reality to better suit her vision. In her hands, elements shift and transform according to her moods, gently veering away from plausibility. Reality becomes stains and shapes, adorned with exuberant colors, allowing emotions to take precedence over exact replication. @clarasuperduper

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