Toalla de playa Bohemia. This beautiful and elegant fouta in baby nest fabric is available in 8 colors, even more beautiful, it is difficult to elegir! Light and absorbent, it can be used on the beach, in the swimming pool or on vacation, thanks to its mottled aspect, which is great in the decoration of your home. Thanks to its very chic appearance, it can be added by the mitad or in thirds to the ancho and ponerlo on the bed as decoration. The colors we offer are elegant tones that combine well with linen bed clothes, for example. Toalla de playa Bohemia. 100% cotton, machine washable at 40°C, neither dry nor suavizante; The fouta becomes softer every time it is washed, advise: wash it before first use. The craft process may cause minor imperfections in the surface of the beach towel. Tejido and manufacturing in Túnez.