Ankorstore /  Jeux & Puzzle /  jeux sylvie de soye /  Jeu de cartes des 7 familles en anglais - Happy Impressionist Families - 270g
Jeu de cartes des 7 familles en anglais  - Happy Impressionist Families - 270g
jeux sylvie de soye

Jeu de cartes des 7 familles en anglais - Happy Impressionist Families - 270g

« In the Claude Monet family, I would like the Poppies ! » The GAME consists of obtaining 6 pictures by the same painter, to make a family. The player with the most families wins (Detailed rules inside). FABRIQUÉ EN FRANCE « Why did Van Gogh have an ear cut off ? » « Who was Cézanne ? » « What did people do at the Moulin de la Galette ? » Includes a detailed explanatory BOOKLET with anecdotes about the life of each painter and amusing stories about the paintings. Perfect for older children, parents and teachers, who can ask kids to pick the painting they like best, and tell them a story about it. Featuring works by Manet, Renoir, Degas, Monet, Cézanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh. For ages 6 to 106 ! Varnished box Large cards (7 x 12 cm) 7 painters 42 famous paintings

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