Rubellite necklace composed of 12mm ball stonesDescription of the rubellite necklace in 12mm ball stonesRubellite is a gem of the tourmaline family. These can take many colors. In this regard, an Egyptian legend says that these stones rose from the center of the earth passing through a rainbow. One of the most popular tourmalines is Rubellite, an often red stone whose color and appearance are strongly reminiscent of Ruby. Moreover, the name Rubellite is taken from the same Latin strain as that of Ruby. In Latin "Rubellus" means reddish. However, Rubellite can also have purple or pinkish hues. It is also called Pink Tourmaline. Its resemblance to Ruby is such that for many years the two stones were confused. Throughout his reign, Tsar Peter the Great wore jewelry adorned with magnificent red stones that everyone took for Rubies. It actually turned out that the Tsar unknowingly wore Rubellites. This is a gem composed of silicate, borosilicates, aluminum, iron, magnesium and alkalis. Rubellite is extracted from deposits located in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the USA. But the two largest producers in Mozambique and Nigeria. In Lithotherapy, this stone is given many beneficial virtues on physical and mental health. Wearing a rubellite necklace in 12mm ball stones will protect you daily, while bringing an extra touch of elegance to your outfit. Virtues of the rubellite necklace in 12mm ball stones in lithotherapy Virtues of the rubellite necklace on the mental level in lithotherapy The 12mm Rubellite necklace will help you to manage your all your emotions. This tourmaline is known to heal emotional pain, even the oldest ones related to childhood. It thus brings a feeling of appeasement, and a feeling of peace and security. This stone symbolizes unconditional and maternal love. It promotes this powerful feeling towards others, but also towards oneself, thus improving self-confidence. Rubellite also has the ability to make a conflict disappear, particularly if it takes place with a mother or grandmother. .It keeps obsessive behavior away, and promotes sleep.Wearing rubellite jewelry is recommended to soothe hyperactive children.Virtues of the rubellite necklace on the physical level in lithotherapyFor physical health, a rubellite necklace in 12mm ball stones will protect your lungs and your heart. Rubellite improves heart function, regulating the pulse. It also protects the respiratory tract, especially the throat. Rubellite is effective in solving dermatological problems, because it has the ability to regenerate the skin after small lesions. It is also known to preserve the skin's youth.Astrological signs corresponding to the rubellite necklaceThe rubellite necklace in 12mm ball stones will deploy all its virtues, particularly if it is worn by a person born under the sign of Cancer, Sagittarius or Capricorn.Chakra matching rubellite necklace Rubellite is traditionally linked to the heart chakra and the root chakra. Wearing this stone as a necklace will increase its effectiveness tenfold, because it will be closest to the heart, and the neck (end of the spine, preferred location of the root chakra).Care for the rubellite necklace with 12mm ball stonesTo purify the necklace rubellite 12mm, just immerse it for a few hours in a bath of demineralized and salted water. Then place it on a cluster of quartz, ideally in the light of the full moon, so that it recharges its energy.