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Collier Pierre de sang - Pierres boules 10mm - 42 cm- Fermoir or
France Minéraux

Collier Pierre de sang - Pierres boules 10mm - 42 cm- Fermoir or

Bloodstone necklace composed of 10mm ball stones Description of the blood stone necklace in 10mm ball stonesThis magnificent blood stone necklace in 10mm ball stones is dark green or greenish black. Stones can be translucent or opaque. Their sheen has a resinous, waxy effect. Bloodstone is made up of spots that look like blood or iron oxide inclusions. It is part of the microcrystalline quartz family. Deposits are observable in China, Australia, the United States and Brazil. The best-known legend tells of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. When his blood began to fall to the ground, on a dark green colored earth, the Bloodstone was formed. The stone then took the honor of nobility, courage and comfort. But other legends say that this mineral existed long before Jesus Christ. In antiquity, it was called Heliotrope, which means Stone of the Sun in Greek helios. In Mesopotamia, the Blood Stone was dipped in cold water before being placed on the body, to improve blood circulation, treat ailments and wounds. Warriors then used it as an amulet to bring them courage and protection.Civilizations thought that the stone had magical virtues to control storms and lightning or to warn its wearer of dangers and evil with the help of an audible oracle. The Bloodstone was also recognized for the wealth, fame, and respect it bestowed upon its holder. Its virtues renowned for thousands of years still exist. All you need to do is wear this 10mm blood stone necklace regularly, to notice the many mental and physical benefits provided by the stone. Virtues of the blood stone necklace in 10mm ball stones in lithotherapy mind in lithotherapy The Bloodstone necklace generates energy and motivation to its wearer. Difficult times are supported by the courage and balance of emotions that the stone brings. His gift of clairvoyance leads to making the right decisions, to taking control of oneself, which promotes the removal of bad vibes and uncertainties. Virtues of the blood stone necklace on the physical level in lithotherapy Thanks to the wearing of the Blood stone necklace , good circulation is appreciated. It helps detoxify the liver and kidneys. The proper functioning of the heart is promoted, the immune system is strengthened. The stone helps soothe the pain associated with menstruation.Astrological signs corresponding to the bloodstone necklaceThe bloodstone strengthens the character traits and diminishes the weaknesses of the astrological signs that correspond to it. Thus, Libra, Pisces and Taurus agree perfectly with the virtues of this stone. This does not exclude the other signs, to take advantage of the virtues in lithotherapy of the Blood Stone. Chakras corresponding to the Blood Stone Necklace The Blood Stone necklace unites three chakras. These include the Heart chakra, which diverts negative waves and loneliness, the Solar Plexus, helps relieve pain and the Root chakra, which guides towards good decisions and fulfillment. 10mmTo take full advantage of its virtues, it is advisable to clean the Bloodstone necklace regularly. To carry out the purification, it must be placed overnight in a bowl filled with distilled salt water. To recharge it, simply leave it in the sunlight for a few hours.

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