Pack 3 : cartes postales estampes japonaises, espace et Minimales x15 + présentoir 6 faces
Voir le prix revendeur
6-sided display consisting of: -3 sides of 10 postcards 10x15cm portrait format "Japanese prints" -1 side of 13 postcards 10x15cm landscape format "Japanese prints" -1 side of 10 postcards 10x15cm portrait format "space" -1 side of 10 postcards 10x12.5cm (instant camera) portrait format "Minimals" That is 63 models of postcards by 25 on the visual at 0.43€/U. This pack includes the free loan of a display stand (see visual). You can find all of our collections in our catalog: https://editionsjourdenuit.fr/index.php/catalogue/ If you wish to modify certain references of the proposed selection, please let us know by email after your order (same price and orientation).