Ankorstore /  Accessoires de fête /  BUDDY BUDDY /  The Best-Selling Gift Set
The Best-Selling Gift Set

The Best-Selling Gift Set

Celebrate all year round by spreading the love with your buddies. The BUDDY BUDDY Best-Selling Gift Set includes: * 1 jar of our PEANUT BUTTER CUP nut butter * 1 jar of our CINNAMON ROLL nut butter * 1 jar of our PRALINE CHOCOLATE nut butter Each of these nut butters is carefully crafted by hand at our Brussels atelier, using only the finest organic ingredients for a truly indulgent experience. The gift set comes in a sleek colorful blue and white box, making it the perfect gift for any nut butter lover. Whether you're looking for a special treat for yourself or a unique and thoughtful gift for a friend or loved one, our best-selling gift set is the answer.

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