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Travel log - Equestrian adventures

Travel log - Equestrian adventures

This notebook is an essential tool for riders of all levels, from beginners to experienced riders. The notebook is organised into several sections to make it easier to take notes. You'll find pages for keeping track of your horse's progress, and for noting down your rides with important information about accommodation and places of interest you come across along the way. There are also pages for keeping track of the maintenance of your equipment and your horse, as well as useful addresses and contacts. This notebook is also an excellent way of keeping track of your experiences and progress. You can re-read your notes regularly to see how the relationship with your horse has developed. Your horse's health is a priority, so you can record the care you give him, such as vaccinations, worming, foot care and so on. You can also record his weight and other useful information so you can monitor his health throughout your rides. Practical and easy to carry, it's compact and lightweight, so you can take it with you wherever you go when riding, so it's always close at hand.

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