Ankorstore /  Maison & Cuisine /  AQUAPOUSS'


Expédie des commandes sous 3 à 5 jours

Minimum de commande 100 €

Franco multi-marques dès 300,00 €

  • Fondée en 2021
  • Distribution Truffaut, Jardins Animés, Mon petit coin vert
Instagram aquapouss
AQUAPOUSS' is the reference brand to allow you to enjoy nature in a less restrictive and fun way indoors. Our product is an aquarium-vegetable garden where the symbiosis between plants and fish is at the heart of the model. This object is low-tech, modular and supplied turnkey. Made in France in a partner ESAT in Isère, it adapts perfectly to any type of interior. This system is based on a technical culture that is unknown in France and yet ancestral, aquaponics. This technique is attracting more and more people because it meets many sustainable development challenges. No need to water the plants anymore. No more changing the aquarium water! Only one thing to do: marvel and enjoy the benefits of nature's simple intelligence.